Favorite Links
LRC- The Labrador Retriever Club, Inc.,
Parent Club for the AKC
Looking For  A Breeder?
AKC - American Kennel Club
Have You Considered Rescue?
Iowa Rescue League- Animal Rescue in
Des Moines, Iowa.
Lab-Med- Originated on the Web, this is a very worthy
organization that funds medical assistance for rescue labs in need.
Start Here! An oldie, but a goodie. Quite comprehensive.
Labrador Education and general info
Wingnwave Labradors- Extremely
comprehensive site with many medical and
health related topics.
Labrador Quarterly-Hoflin's Excellent Labrador Magazine-
If you want to learn about the lab fancy, start here!
Coat Color Inheritance of Labrador Retrievers by Dian
Welle, Learn how breeders can predict coat colors.
OFA - Orthopedic Foundation for Animals- Searchable
Data base of Hip, Elbow and other Genetic Clearances
Jack Onofrio Dog Shows - Check for
Upcoming Dog Shows and Results
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